Sarah Stapel


Sarah Stapel is an attorney at bureau Brandeis. She specializes in information law, with a particular focus on privacy and data protection law.

In 2021, she completed her research master in information law at the Institute for Information Law (IViR) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). Her research focused on data subject rights under the GDPR, the boundaries (online) freedom of expression, and platform liability. She wrote her master’s thesis on the (hidden) discriminatory impact of automated decision-making in recruitment software and how job applicants can use the rights in the GDPR as a means of resistance.

During her studies, Sarah followed exchange programmes at the University of Melbourne in Australia and at Cardozo Law School in New York. At IViR, she organized and participated in the annual Privacy Law & Policy Summer Course.

Sarah works at bureau Brandeis since 2021.

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